Quarta-feira às 18h
Palestrante: Prof. Paulo Albuquerque
Mestre de Cerimônia: Prof. Jean Garcia
Mediador (Perguntas): Prof. Luís Rambo
Estaca Hélice de Deslocamento - Evolução, dimensionamento e desempenho
Quarta-feira às 18h
Palestrante: Prof.ª Juliane Marques
Mestre de Cerimônia: Prof. Luís Ramboa
Mediador (Perguntas): Prof. Jean Garcia
Soluções não convencionais de Fundações Profundas: Estacas com Bulbos e Estacas com Anéis
Quarta-feira às 18h
Palestrante: Prof. Luiz Henrique Felipe Olavo
Mestre de Cerimônia: Prof. Jean Garcia
Mediador (Perguntas): Prof. Luís Rambo
Fundações na Região Sul do Brasil
Quarta-feira às 18h
Palestrante: Dr. Carlos Medeiros Silva
Mestre de Cerimônia: Prof. Luís Rambo
Mediador (Perguntas): Prof. Jean Garcia
Inovações na Engenharia de Fundações do Centro Oeste do Brasil
Quarta-feira às 18h
Palestrante: Eng. Gabriel Luís Soto Banha
Mestre de Cerimônia: Prof. Jean Garcia
Mediador (Perguntas): Prof. Luís Rambo
Engenharia de Fundações na Região Norte - execução e instrumentação
-- Dry Staking: Legal Pathway to Safe Operations --
Luiz Guilherme de Mello
Abertura ABMS
Nathalia Gomide
Abertura Governo Britânico
Luiz Guilherme de Mello
Introdução dos palestrantes
Professor Robert Lee – Universidade de Birmingham
Apresentação Britânica
Vicente Mello - AECOM do Brasil
Apresentação Brasileira
Representantes e moderação
Q&A e encerramento

Sophie Lana
Founder & CEOMake Your HTML to WordPress
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

James Hoult
Founder & CEOIntroduction Search Engine Optimisation
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

Oscar Helman
Founder & CEOMake SEO Friendly WP Theme
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

Rose Shipp
Founder & CEOAdvanced Theme Development
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

Isaac Nicholas
Founder & CEOAdvanced Theme Development 2
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

John Arnold
Founder & CEOMake Mobile Friendly Theme
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

Ben Sheridan
Founder & CEOQuality Asurance Your WP Theme
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

Sophie Lana
Founder & CEOGetting Started With WP Plugin
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

Ben Sheridan
Founder & CEOWP Plugin Development
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

Ben Sheridan
Founder & CEOCustomize Your WordPress Theme
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

James Hoult
Founder & CEOInterview With WP Author
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

Oscar Helman
Founder & CEOClose Event Ceremony & Doorprize
In this session we will discuss about digital topics in detail. You need laptops and other tech support equipment. This session will last for 2 hours. So prepare yourself.

Editora LTC
(fornecerá cupons de desconto e livros para sorteios durante o evento)